What are the business hours of Shilihe Flower, Bird, Fish and Insect Market?

Shilihe Flower, Bird, Fish and Insect Market is located in Beijing, is a large comprehensive market to attract consumers with flowers, birds, fish and insects, handicrafts and so on. The market is open daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and extended on holidays to 9 or 10 p.m. Consumers please pay attention to property safety, buy pets to ensure health.

Market Profiles

Shilihe Flower, Bird, Fish and Insect Market is located in Beijing, China. It is famous for its huge scale and variety of commodities. Whether it is flowers, birds, fish and insects or crafts home decorations, can find a wealth of choice.

Here, each exudes a strong cultural atmosphere, attracting countless lovers and collectors, whether you want to choose a special gift, Or looking for a unique collection, here can meet your needs.

Market, a variety of stalls, stall owners are warm and hospitable, customers shuttle between, forming a bustling picture of the city.

Summary of Business Hours

The Shilihe Flower, Bird, Fish and Insect Market is open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

On holidays, market hours are adjusted, usually from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

It should be noted that under special circumstances, the market may be closed or closed in advance in case of bad weather or special circumstances.

Some areas of the market may have special business hours, please pay attention to the relevant announcement.

Daily business hours

Shilihe Flower, Bird, Fish and Insect Market On a normal weekday, the bell at 8 am awakens the vitality of the market. The market was bustling.

As the sun tilted to the west and night crept in, near 8 p.m., merchants began sorting through their goods in preparation for the end of the day.

When the last deal was completed, the noise of the market gradually returned to quiet, leaving only the unique flavor of the night.

Business hours on holidays

The market is open for extended holidays. It opens at 8 am and closes at 9 or 10 pm. The opening hours are subject to change. Please pay attention to the latest market announcement before travel.

The market carefully adjusted business hours to ensure that holiday shopping needs are met, open early in the morning, close late at night, so that shopping more convenient.

Holiday market business hours adjustment, consumers travel before please pay attention to the announcement, so as not to miss shopping opportunities.

Large flow of people in the market, to be sure to pay attention to personal property safety, to prevent loss or theft, pay attention to the surrounding environment, to ensure personal safety.

There may be pet sales in the market. Check your pet's health carefully to avoid buying sick or animals of unknown origin. To avoid health risks for themselves and their families.

A wide variety of goods in the market, consumers in the purchase, please pay attention to identify the authenticity, to avoid buying fake and shoddy products.

There are many food stalls in the market, please choose the stalls with good sanitary conditions to ensure food safety.

There may be temporary promotional activities in the market, consumers in the participation, please pay attention to identify the authenticity of activities, to avoid being deceived.

The market is equipped with a rest area, consumers in the shopping process can be timely rest, alleviate fatigue.

There is a parking lot in the market. Please park your car in the designated area to avoid affecting others.

Smoking is prohibited in the market. Please abide by the regulations and work together to create a good shopping environment.

There are public toilets in the market. Consumers should use them civilly when they need them.

There is a customer service center in the market. If you have any questions or need help, please consult the customer service staff.

What is Shilihe Flower, Bird, Fish and Insect Market
Shilihe Flower, Bird, Fish and Insect Market is located in Beijing, this place can be big, everything, crafts, home decorations, what can be found, It is full of culture and attracts many lovers and collectors, whether you want to buy a gift or find a unique collection. You can have everything you need here.
When is Shilihe Flower, Bird, Fish and Insect Market Open
The daily working hours start at eight in the morning and end at six in the afternoon. It takes a long time. It starts at nine in the morning. It lasts until 7 pm, like bad weather or something, the market may close early, so it's best to know before you go.
Holiday Shilihe Flower Bird Fish Insect Market Business Hours Have Changed
The market opens at 8 a.m. and closes at 9 or 10 p.m., but sometimes the hours change. So consumers must pay attention to the latest market announcement before travel.
What should we pay attention to in Shilihe Flower, Bird, Fish and Insect Market
There are so many people in this market. When you go, you must pay attention to the safety of your personal belongings. Don't let them be stolen. There may be pets for sale in the market. When you buy, you should carefully check your pet's health. There are many kinds of goods. When you buy, you should pay attention to distinguish the true from the false. Food stalls are also more, choose good sanitary conditions of the stalls to eat, do not eat bad stomach, the market there are parking and customer service center, Ask when you need help.