Why can my tooth ache suddenly rise?
Dental pain can be caused by common causes such as dental caries, periodontal disease, pulpitis, cracked teeth or oral ulcers. It can also be caused by trauma, temperature irritation, infection, chronic illness, or drug reactions. Ways to prevent and relieve dental pain include maintaining oral hygiene, regular oral check-ups, paying attention to diet, and treating chronic diseases as directed by a physician. If the pain is serious, should be timely medical treatment.
Common causes of tooth pain
Tooth pain, an elusive sign, can be a variety of problems with the teeth or gums.
Tooth decay, gingivitis, periodontal disease and even misaligned teeth can all lead to pain.
Pain can also be the result of damage to the tooth structure, or irritation to the pulp nerve.
Common causes of tooth pain
1. A common oral disease is caused by bacteria in the mouth that thrive in food debris and saliva. Produce acid.
2. Once the acid hits the surface of the tooth, the enamel, it begins to erode, forming cavities and causing severe tooth pain.
3. As the cavities expand, the nerve endings inside the teeth will be stimulated and the pain will become more intense, affecting daily life.
Common causes of tooth pain
2. Periodontal disease, gum inflammation, alveolar bone resorption and other conditions, often let the teeth feel tingling.
Red and swollen gums, loose teeth, and possibly bleeding are all obvious signs of periodontal disease.
With the passage of time, if periodontal disease is not treated in time, alveolar bone absorption will become more serious, leading to increased tooth pain.
Common causes of tooth pain
3. Pulpitis inflammation of the internal nerves of the teeth, severe pain is often accompanied.
The pulp tissue is damaged, and the infected bacteria cause inflammation and pain.
The tooth is sensitive, hot and cold alternately, the stimulation intensifies, the pain intensifies.
Common causes of tooth pain
Cracked or broken teeth, intense pain, nerve stimulation.
When the teeth can not withstand external forces, cracks appear and sensitive nerves are exposed.
The slight force of the bite can also cause excruciating pain.
Not timely treatment, cracked teeth may be exacerbated, unbearable pain, affect life.
Common causes of tooth pain
Oral ulcers, a seemingly minor problem, can cause painful tooth pain.
Although the ulcer location in the mouth, the pain has spread to the teeth, it is difficult to ignore.
Pain when hidden, people fidgeting, affecting normal life and work.
Oral ulcer caused by tooth pain, we need to pay attention to, timely seek treatment.
Other possible causes of tooth pain
Teeth pain may be triggered by gum disease
Damaged tooth structure may also cause pain
Certain oral infections or tumors may also cause discomfort
Tooth sensitivity and wear may also be a source of pain
Misbiting or foreign bodies in the mouth may also cause tooth pain
Drug side effects and certain diseases can also cause tooth pain
Other possible causes of tooth pain
Dental pain is not always caused by tooth decay or periodontal disease. Sometimes it can be caused by other, less common factors.
2. Chronic gingivitis This inflammation may not cause severe pain immediately, but over time, swelling and inflammation of the gums can lead to discomfort.
3. Adjacent tooth decay may not directly affect the affected tooth, but decay on adjacent teeth may also cause pain.
4. Non-odontogenic factors such as migraines, sinusitis and even heart problems can also cause the illusion of tooth pain.
5. Wisdom teeth problems wisdom teeth (third molars) may squeeze other teeth due to lack of space, causing pain or infection.
6. Dentin hypersensitivity teeth are sensitive to cold, hot, sweet, acid and other stimuli and may cause short-term sharp pain.
7. Pulpitis inflammation of the pulp can cause severe pain, especially at night or during chewing.
8. Periodontal abscesses infection of the periodontal tissue can lead to swollen gums and possibly abscesses.
Other possible causes of tooth pain
Hot and cold food shuttle between the teeth, the instantaneous change in temperature as a needle-like stimulation, teeth began to dull pain.
A cup of hot tea, a scoop of ice cream, can instantly wake up the pain of teeth.
Teeth in the temperature stimulation, as if by invisible hand squeeze, pain spread from the tip of the tongue to the whole mouth.
Other possible causes of tooth pain
3. Infected teeth or gums may cause pain, which may result from tooth decay, inflammation of wisdom teeth or periodontal disease.
4. Periodontal disease periodontal disease is a chronic infectious disease that destroys bone tissue and gums around the teeth, causing severe pain.
5. Demineralization of teeth demineralization can lead to weak tooth structure, vulnerable to external stimuli and pain.
6. Nerve problems Tooth nerves can also cause pain when they are stimulated or damaged.
7. Oral ulcer oral ulcer is a common oral disease, usually located on the oral mucosa, which can cause pain.
8. Tooth wear Long-term chewing on hard objects or excessive tooth wear can lead to tooth sensitivity and pain.
9. Poor alignment of teeth can cause excessive pressure on the teeth and cause pain.
10. Fractured or fractured teeth can cause pain in the teeth.
Other possible causes of tooth pain
Chronic diseases can be the source of tooth pain, arthritis, heart disease, etc., may be the cause of pain.
In addition to common dental problems, these chronic conditions may also unknowingly affect dental health.
While paying attention to tooth pain, also pay attention to chronic diseases in other parts of the body.
Other possible causes of tooth pain
5. Drug reactions Some drugs may cause tooth pain as a side effect, such as aspirin and certain antibiotics.
6. Oral problems such as dental caries and periodontitis can cause tooth pain, especially when eating or brushing.
7. Nerve problems Trigeminal neuralgia, pulp nerve damage and so on can cause severe tooth pain.
8. Malnutrition defiCienCy of nutrients suCh as vitamin C and CalCium Can lead to tooth sensitivity and pain.
Regular and, keep mouth clean, reduce the growth of bacteria.
Use dental flossReduce the intake of sugary foods and drinks to reduce the risk of tooth decay.
Detect and deal with dental problems regularly and promptly.
Maintain good oral hygiene habits to avoid the occurrence of oral diseases.
How to prevent and relieve tooth pain
Brush your teeth twice a day. Choose a soft bristle toothbrush and gently clean your teeth and gums to prevent damage to the enamel.
Avoid pushing too hardUse at least once a day to remove food debris from your teeth and reduce the environment in which bacteria grow.
Change dental floss regularlyAvoid foods that are too cold, too hot, or too acidic, which can irritate teeth.
How to prevent and relieve tooth pain
Regular is key. It can help you with oral problems and prevent pain.
Such as brushing and flossing in the morning and evening can effectively reduce oral problems.
Maintain good oral hygieneEncounter tooth discomfort, timely medical treatment.
Avoid delaying illnessAdjust the diet to reduce tooth damage, such as reducing the intake of acidic foods and beverages.
Cultivate good oral hygiene habits from an early age to protect the health of teeth.
Pay attention to oral healthHow to prevent and relieve tooth pain
Dietary adjustment is essential, first of all should avoid food and drink, which can not only reduce direct tooth irritation, but also reduce tooth sensitivity.
Or food intake should also be moderate, because they may cause tooth decay, causing pain.
Sweet sexInsist on gargling after meals, and regular use of cleaning teeth in the food residue, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of toothache.
How to prevent and relieve tooth pain
4. If you have a chronic disease, follow the doctor's advice for treatment, control the condition, reduce tooth pain, adhere to regular medication, regular follow-up visits to ensure stability.
5. Pay attention to oral hygiene, brush your teeth every morning and evening, gargle after meals, floss to clean your teeth, prevent gingivitis and periodontal disease.
6. Avoid hard, hot and cold foods in your diet, reduce your intake of acidic foods, and protect your teeth.
7. Regular oral check-ups to identify and deal with dental problems in a timely manner to avoid deterioration.
How to prevent and relieve tooth pain
If the pain is severe, act immediately and don't delay.
Go to the hospital quickly and let a professional dentist help you out.
Don't ignore pain signals. A professional's diagnosis and treatment plan is crucial.
Through professional means, can effectively alleviate your discomfort, let you return to a comfortable life.