What are the business hours of KFC in Harbin?

KFC in Harbin is usually open from 7 am to 10 pm, including breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Some stores may be open longer during holidays or special events, and individual stores may have temporary adjustments. Check the specific business hours, through the official website, mobile APP, customer service phone or in-store announcement.

Business hours of KFC in Harbin

KFC in Harbin usually starts at 7 am and ends at 10 pm.

Be aware that the hours of operation may vary from branch to branch.

To understand the business hours of a particular store, it is recommended to contact the store directly for the most accurate information.

Details of KFC Business Hours in Harbin

The breakfast service at KFC in Harbin usually starts at 7 am, with a good start to the day until around 10 am. The warm breakfast time gradually ended.

With the increasing strength of the sun, the bell is about to ring for lunch, Harbin KFC business hours extended into the afternoon, Convenient food options for busy people.

In the evening, when night falls, Harbin KFC still open the door, waiting for late pedestrians and friends to share delicious food, until the night is deep.

Details of KFC Business Hours in Harbin

2. The lunch hour opens at 10 am and lasts until around 2 pm.

On a busy afternoon, you can enjoy KFC's extensive lunch options between 10 and 2.

Afternoon, from 10 to 2, Harbin KFC warm hospitality, delicious uninterrupted.

Details of KFC Business Hours in Harbin

The afternoon session starts from 2 o'clock and lasts until 7 o'clock.

Many diners choose to enjoy KFC's delicious food in the afternoon.

In the evening, KFC is still open to welcome you back late.

Details of KFC Business Hours in Harbin

Dinner starts at 7 p.m. and lasts until 10 p.m.

In the busy city life, this schedule for the busy you provide a comfortable dining choice.

From evening to night, it is always a good place to relax and enjoy delicious food.

Whether with family to share a warm time, or with friends, Harbin KFC is your ideal choice.

Adjustment of business hours under special circumstances

During the holidays, some KFC stores in Harbin will adjust their business hours to meet customer demand.

In important festivals such as the Spring Festival, National Day, some stores will be extended to 10 pm or even later.

During special events, such as music festivals and marathons, stores will adjust their business hours accordingly to ensure that customers can enjoy the food at the same time. Can also participate in the activities.

Please note that the specific business hours to the actual situation of the store shall prevail, it is recommended to inquire in advance.

Adjustment of business hours under special circumstances

2. Equipment maintenance or other emergencies, some stores may make business hours adjustment.

To ensure that you are up to date with the latest information, please pay attention to the in-store announcement.

Please take the announcement as the standard, thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

How to inquire the specific business hours of KFC in Harbin

1. Visit the official website of Harbin KFC and find the entrance of business hours on the home page.

2. On the mobile app, click " My " or " Store Information " to select the store you want to check.

3. Check the store's hours immediately to make sure you don't miss any gastronomic moments.

If you can't find the information on the official website or APP, try calling KFC customer service.

How to inquire the specific business hours of KFC in Harbin

Directly call the target store customer service phone, your location and needs to tell the customer service staff.

Customer service staff will be based on your request to provide accurate business hours information.

At the end of the call, remember to record the time information provided by customer service, in case of emergency.

How to inquire the specific business hours of KFC in Harbin

Enter the KFC store in Harbin and look carefully for announcements posted in prominent locations, which usually contain detailed information about business hours.

Read the announcement carefully to make sure you know when you can enjoy delicious KFC.

If the announcement information is not clear, may wish to ask the shop assistant, they will provide accurate service.

Harbin KFC daily business hours from what time to end
The business hours of KFC in Harbin usually start at 7 am and end at 10 pm. It should be noted that the business hours of each branch may be different, so the specific business hours to the store notice shall prevail.
When did breakfast and lunch begin at KFC in Harbin
The breakfast service at KFC in Harbin usually starts at 7 am and lasts until around 10 am. The lunch hour starts at 10 am. Until around 2: 00 in the afternoon.
What time does the dinner time of KFC in Harbin start and end
Dinner at Harbin KFC starts at 7 pm and ends at 10 pm. This is a good time for everyone to relax and enjoy delicious food.
Will the business hours of KFC in Harbin be adjusted during holidays or special events
During holidays or special events, some KFC stores in Harbin may adjust their business hours to meet the needs of customers. During the Spring Festival, some stores may extend their business hours. Please refer to the in-store announcement.